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Rov qab tsim dua tshiab rau Auto Parts Tsheb Accessories Cav Crankcase Vent Lim Roj thiab Roj Separator Element S00030624 + 03 rau Saic Maxus V80 T60 G10

Lub Dongfeng Forthing series tau ua lub tsheb paub zoo txij li nws cov npe. Nrog nws qhov chaw dav thiab xis nyob sab hauv, nws muaj qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm tag nrho thiab muaj zog practicability. Nws kuj yog ib qho SUV uas feem ntau tsev neeg yuav xaiv.

Nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm kev tsim, lub taub hau ntawm lub tsheb no ua rau tib neeg xav txog kev loj hlob. Qhov loj dua polygonal grille thiab lub teeb taub hau sib sib zog nqus yog nyob rau hauv txoj kab nrog saj ntawm cov neeg siv khoom feem ntau.


T5 T5
  • Loj muaj peev xwm Hoobkas
  • R & D muaj peev xwm
  • Kev lag luam txawv teb chaws muaj peev xwm
  • Kev pabcuam thoob ntiaj teb

Main parameters ntawm lub tsheb qauv

    Dongfeng T5 lub tsheb nrog cov khoom zoo thiab tsim tshiab
    Qauv 1.5T / 6MT Confortable hom 1.5T / 6MT Khoom kim heev hom 1.5T / 6CVT TSI
    Length × dav × qhov siab (mm) 4550 * 1825 * 1725 hli 4550 * 1825 * 1725 hli 4550 * 1825 * 1725 hli
    wheelbase [mm] 2720 ​​ib 2720 ​​ib 2720 ​​ib
    Fais fab system
    Hom Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi
    qauv 4a91 ib 4a91 ib 4a91 ib
    tus qauv emission 5 5 5
    Kev khiav tawm 1.5 1.5 1.5
    Air intake form Turbo Turbo Turbo
    Lub tog raj kheej ntim (cc) 1499 ib 1499 ib 1499 ib
    Number of cylinders: 4 4 4
    Number of valves ib lub tog raj kheej: 4 4 4
    Compression ratio: 9.5 ib 9.5 ib 9.5 ib
    Npog: 75 75 75
    Mob stroke: 84.8 ib 84.8 ib 84.8 ib
    Net zog (kW): 100 100 100
    Rated zog (kW): 110 110 110
    Max ceev (km / h) 160 160 160
    Rated zog ceev (RPM): 5500 5500 5500
    Qhov siab tshaj plaws torque (Nm): 200 200 200
    Maximum torque ceev (RPM): 2000-4500 Nws 2000-4500 Nws 2000-4500 Nws
    Cav tshwj xeeb technology: MIVEC MIVEC MIVEC
    Roj daim ntawv: Roj av Roj av Roj av
    Roj Roj Label: ≥92# ≥92# ≥92#
    Roj mov hom: Multi-point Multi-point Multi-point
    Cov khoom siv lub tog raj kheej taub hau: aluminium aluminium aluminium
    Cov khoom siv lub tog raj kheej: aluminium aluminium aluminium
    Tank ntim (L): 55 55 55
    Iav lub thawv
    Kev sib kis: MT MT CVT kis tau tus mob
    Number of gear: 6 6 tsis muaj kauj ruam
    Variable speed control mode: Cable chaw taws teeb tswj Cable chaw taws teeb tswj Electronically tswj tsis siv neeg
    Chassis system
    Tsav tsheb hom: Lead precursor Lead precursor Lead precursor
    Clutch tswj: Hydraulic zog, muaj zog Hydraulic zog, muaj zog x
    Pem hauv ntej ncua kev kawm ntawv hom: McPherson hom ywj siab ncua kev kawm + transverse stabilizer bar McPherson hom ywj siab ncua kev kawm + transverse stabilizer bar McPherson hom ywj siab ncua kev kawm + transverse stabilizer bar
    rear ncua kev kawm ntawv hom: Multi-link ywj siab rear ncua kev kawm ntawv Multi-link ywj siab rear ncua kev kawm ntawv Multi-link ywj siab rear ncua kev kawm ntawv
    Steering iav: Hluav taws xob kauj Hluav taws xob kauj Hluav taws xob kauj
    Pem hauv ntej log nres: Ventilated disc Ventilated disc Ventilated disc
    Tsheb nres nres: disc disc disc
    Chaw nres tsheb nres hom: Chaw nres tsheb hluav taws xob Chaw nres tsheb hluav taws xob Chaw nres tsheb hluav taws xob
    Tyre specifications: 215/60 R17 (hom hom) 215/60 R17 (hom hom) 215/55 R18 (thawj kab hom)
    Tyre qauv: Ordinary meridian Ordinary meridian Ordinary meridian
    Spare log: √ t165/70 R17 (hlau nplhaib) √ t165/70 R17 (hlau nplhaib) √ t165/70 R17 (hlau nplhaib)

Tsim tswvyim

  • Forthing-SUV-T5-main-in 2


    Super-dav thiab xis tsav chaw

    460 * 1820 * 1720mm super-loj lub cev loj, 2720mm leapfrog ntev wheelbase, txaus siab rau kev tsav tsheb zoo.


    Super lub cev ntim

    Lub rooj zaum nraub qaum tuaj yeem ua tiav tag nrho, 515L lub cev loj tuaj yeem nthuav dav mus rau 1560L, thiab cov khoom loj tuaj yeem khaws tau yooj yim.

  • Forthing-SUV-T5-main-in1


    Library NVH mute system

    Los ntawm ntau tshaj 10 lub suab nrov txo kev ntsuas, NVH kev ua tau zoo tau txhim kho zoo heev; Lub suab nrov txo ntawm 60KM / 120KM tsis sib xws ceev yog qhov pom tseeb, uas yog piv rau qhov tsis sib xws ntawm kev sib koom tes.



1.6L / 1.5T Kub Fais Fab Kev Sib Txuas

Mitsubishi 1.6L cav + 5MT kis tau tus mob, nrog paub tab thiab txhim khu kev qha technology thiab zoo roj economy; DAE 1.5T lub zog + 6AT lub cav, nrog lub zog muaj zog thiab ua haujlwm zoo.

Paub meej

  • ADAS ntse pab tsav tsheb

    ADAS ntse pab tsav tsheb

    Nws koom ua ke cov kab ke ntawm kev sib tsoo pem hauv ntej ceeb toom, kab sib txawv ceeb toom, yoog kom deb thiab ze lub teeb, kev paub txog kev tsheb khiav, thiab lwm yam, thiab ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb nrog kev siv tshuab.

  • Omni-directional kev ruaj ntseg guard system

    Omni-directional kev ruaj ntseg guard system

    Teem ib tug xov tooj ntawm kev ruaj ntseg configurations, xws li tsis siv neeg teeb pom kev zoo ntawm lub teeb taub hau, laser tailor-welded high-strength steel lub cev qauv, 6 airbags, thiab lwm yam., saib xyuas txhua qhov kev mus los nrog kev thaj yeeb ntawm lub siab.

  • Super Loj Hluav Taws Xob Panoramic Sunroof

    Super Loj Hluav Taws Xob Panoramic Sunroof

    1.13㎡ Super-loj hluav taws xob panoramic sunroof, nrog thaj tsam teeb pom kev zoo ntawm 1164 × 699mm, muab kev pom zoo rau txhua txoj kev.

yees duab

  • X
    Txog 8 xyoo / 160,000 km kev ruaj ntseg zoo

    Txog 8 xyoo / 160,000 km kev ruaj ntseg zoo

    Txaus siab rau qhov ntev tshaj plaws 8-xyoo lossis 160,000-kilometer ntev warranty ntawm tag nrho lub tsheb, kom koj tuaj yeem mus nrog kev thaj yeeb nyab xeeb.