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Yuav ua li cas Dongfeng ua yeeb yam hauv kev lag luam European?

Yuav ua li cas Dongfeng ua yeeb yam hauv kev lag luam European?

Dongfeng qhov kev taug kev tshiab txawv teb chaws tseem ua kom nrawm dua, tsis yog qhov ua tiav tseem ceeb hauv kev lag luam European, tab sis kuj qhib cov chapistics tshiab rau kev logistics thiab tsheb thauj mus los. Tsis yog, xov xwm zoo ntawm kev kos npe rau kev cog lus rau kev koom tes thiab cov tsheb ciav hlau tshwj xeeb tau los nyob rau ib qho.

Voyd cov kev ua yeeb yam hauv nruab nrab ntawm Oslo, Norway mloog cov phiaj xwm yav tom ntej ntawm Dongfeng cov lag luam hauv nws, kev lag luam, thiab kev lag luam. Dongfeng Import and Export Company held talks with dealers and signed contracts with four of them on-site.

GOMES NOORD-HALLAND, a Dutch dealer, has already introduced the brand's flagship model FREE, and will introduce DREAM in the third quarter to provide Dutch consumers with more product choices, showcasing the VOYAH brand's technological capabilities, manufacturing level, and environmental values. Voyah yuav ua rau nws qhov kev tso tawm ntawm lub tsheb hluav taws xob ua rau lub rooj sib tham hauv Netherlands nyob rau hauv lub Cuaj Hli, thiab yuav qhib cov tsev ua haujlwm hauv nroog xws li Amsterdam hauv Netherlands. The first batch of vehicles will be delivered to end customers in the fourth quarter of this year.

Swiss Tus khub Neyo yuav ua kom muaj kev tsim kho lub vev xaib hauv Switzerland, thiab cov neeg siv hauv zos tuaj yeem ua VoHAH lossis Offline Secitorts hauv plaub lub hlis no. Sij hawm dhau los, Swiss koom tes tau raug cov tsheb tsheb thiab ua ib qho kev ntsuas tsav tsheb. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, lawv tau caw cov neeg German nrov nrov hauv TV rau kev ntsuam xyuas tsheb, thiab kev tsav tsheb zoo ua tau kev txiav txim siab sib koom tes.

With the Norwegian market as the link, Norway will promote the signing of memorandums of intent with Nordics cars and other Nordic Car dealership. Ntxiv dag zog rau kev sib koom tes hauv Nordic kev ua lag luam, ua ke tsim cov khoom muaj tswv yim, thiab nrawm ntawm kev txhim kho ntawm Nordic kev lag luam xws li Denmark thiab Finland. Hauv lub hlis thib peb ntawm lub xyoo no, VEAMAH hom yuav raug tsim tawm hauv Nordic kev lag luam xws li Finland, ua tiav kev xa khoom ntawm cov tsheb thawj zaug hauv plaub lub hlis.

Dongfeng ntshuam thiab Export Company yuav txhawb nqa kev tsim tsa hauv European lub teb chaws, thiab txhawb nqa Dongfeng qhov kev ua haujlwm txawv txawv rau hauv hom nrawm.

Lub Vev Xaib: https://www.mes limotor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com   dflqali@dflzm.com

Chaw Nyob: 286, Pingshan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Suav

Lub Sijhawm Post: Jul-14-2023