Lub Ib Hlis 7, 2025, ib lub tebchaws 6.8-Av nplaum av qeeg Dingri, Shigatse, Tibsaib. Qhov av qeeg no tam li niaj zaus muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab kev thaj yeeb, coj cov neeg puas tsuaj loj thiab kev txom nyem rau cov neeg ntawm Tibet. Ua raws li kev puas tsuaj, Dingri County hauv Shigatse tau cuam tshuam nrog ntau tus neeg poob lawv lub tsev, thiab muaj kev ruaj ntseg nyob hauv kev nyuaj siab. Dongfeng Liuzhou lub cev muaj zog, kev ua raws li lub luag haujlwm ntawm lub xeev, tau saib xyuas cov neeg muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab kev nyab xeeb rau cov neeg nyab xeeb hauv cov cheeb tsam. In response, the company quickly took action, extending a helping hand to contribute its small part.
Dongfeng tawm tsam tam sim ntawd tau mus txog rau cov neeg muaj kev puas tsuaj loj uas muaj cov neeg muaj kev cuam tshuam. Thaum sawv ntxov Lub Ib Hlis 8, txoj kev cawm cawm dim tau tsim, thiab los ntawm tav su, cov khoom siv tau txais kev pib. Los ntawm yav tav su, 100 lub tsho muaj paj rwb, 100 quilts, 100 khub ntawm cov khau paj rwb, thiab 1,000 phaus ntawm tsops. Cov khoom siv cawm tau nrawm nrawm thiab txheeb nrog kev txhawb nqa tag nrho ntawm Tibet Handa ntawm lub chaw tsim khoom liuzhou tom qab muag cov chaw pabcuam. Thaum xyoo 18:18, ib qho khuam rau V9, thauj khoom nrog cov khoom siv nyem, coj tus pab cawm seej rau Shigatse. Txawm hais tias tus mob khaub thuas hnyav thiab ua tas mus li ntawm kev ua haujlwm, qib 400+ tau grueling thiab nyuaj. Txoj kev tau ntev thiab ib puag ncig hnyav, tab sis peb cia siab tias kev taug kev du thiab nyab xeeb.
Dongfeng Liuzhou lub cev muaj lub cev ntseeg ntseeg tias ntev npaum li txhua tus koom tes thiab ua haujlwm ua ke, peb tuaj yeem kov yeej cov neeg Tib neeg rov tsim kho lawv lub tsev zoo nkauj. Peb yuav txuas ntxiv saib xyuas kev txhim kho ntawm kev puas tsuaj thiab kev pab txuas ntxiv thiab kev txhawb nqa raws li cov kev xav tau ntawm cov chaw cuam tshuam. We are committed to contributing to the relief and reconstruction efforts in the disaster-stricken areas. We hope that the people of Tibet can have a safe, happy, and hopeful Chinese New Year.
Lub sijhawm Post: Feb-05-2025